Something I’ve really appreciated while working with kay was learning her processes of how she makes art. I really admire how she has her own way of doing certain things. Some of the things I’ve learned from her I could definitely see myself implementing in the future. A big thing that stuck out to me was her process of screen printing fabric. I found her screen printing set up amazing for such a small space and I hope to someday soon build a similar space. In her studio space which is shared with her husband she has a little room where she prints. The table she prints on is very small. I’ve been so impressed by her ways of moving the fabric certain ways so that she can print many yards at a time. This small space is really inspiring to me and I can see now that it’s totally doable to set up at home. My current screen printing set up in my apartment is similar but I’ve been lacking a place to burn screens. Kay showed me how her and her husband built their own glass table to burn screens. I was so inspired by seeing this and I really want to try to make my own small table to burn screens as well. It’s good to see people printing large amounts of fabric in small spaces to see it really is something that anyone can do. At uarts the fabric printing class teaches another process that is a lot more difficult. They require special tables that you have to pin all your fabric into and then you have to do a hard math process to get the pattern right. The whole process they teach takes so much time and space that I learned through Kay isn’t really necessary! Her process is so much more simple and uses a lot less math. I appreciate how she simply lined up the fabric instead of using a crazy system. Although I do prefer Kay’s way of printing, I still think it’s important and useful to have the knowledge of both process.
The last project I worked on for kay was a television. I worked on adding stuffing to the inside and then sewed it shut again. I think one thing I didn't really improve on during the summer was stuffing. This step is really hard for me and take a long time because I try to get the stuffing in every little area! It’s crazy to see how fast Kay can stuff compared to me! I hope one day I can reach that level of stuffing! 

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