While working with Kay these past few weeks she’s had the luxury of getting a new amazing sewing machine! The machine seemed so scary to me at first because it looks incredibly intimidating and complicated! It’s a lot bigger than the average little sewing machine I was using before and has a lot more parts to figure out. One thing I really admire about working with Kay is her guidance and motivation for me to do things on my own. She gives me the confidence to figure out how to use things without her help, which I feel like is a great skill to develop. I’ve loved working on my independence and confidence of trying new things. She constantly encourages me to fix my mistakes myself and fix the machine when it jams up, this is something I would have had trouble doing alone before but now can figure out alone! I know it seems like a small task but it is very important in the long run of life I think. I don’t want to be constantly asking for help for everything. Kay has made it easier for me to do things independently. Another thing I’ve noticed with my sewing abilities has been the speed at which I sew now. I’ve noticed and Kay has been telling me that I’ve been sewing a lot faster than when I initially started working with her. I think a lot of the bost in my speed has to do with the new found confidence she has instilled in me about my sewing abilities. I’m really going to miss sewing on this new machine! It cuts the thread for you and you can move the foot with your knee! So high tech! It’s funny to look back at when I was scared to use the machine at all.
Another thing I’ve realized while working with kay is that my fear of dogs has become a bit less. I’ve loved getting to know her amazing dog Eleanor and will miss her a lot! I think shes shown me that not all dogs are scary, some are very sweet and nice! I’m definitely not 100 percent over my fear of dogs but it’s been great being able to be around one and feel good about it!
Another thing I’ve really been appreciating about my time with Kay is our trips for errands. We go to places like home depot and fleisher art center, the library and philly aids thrift store. I love these trips so much and I’m so drawn to everyday objects like the refrigerators at home depot. I think going out to these seemingly boring places really helps me find inspiration for my sketchbook. I’ve been having a great time translating these trips into my doodles and art pieces. I think gathering outside inspiration from seemingly ordinary things is important but often forgotten. it helps you see new and old things in a different way. 

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