Thursday, August 24, 2017

working with the elderly continued

As Kay's class with the elderly at New Coutland contributes, I've been learning more ways of  communication. Kay told me an interesting story that stuck with me about how you should go along with what elderly people with memory loss issues are saying. She explained that going along with them makes them feel more comfortable in their constantly confusing surroundings. I think this is part of the reason why I get along with one of the women at New Courtland so well. The women I usually help is named Pat and she is known to be very ‘grumpy’ and has a bad attitude most of the time. Although most people think of her as negative and rude, I see her as being real about her situation. She has high standards for art because she’s an artist herself and was an art teacher! She constantly complains that the project we are working on isn't real art. I know I would be angry too if I had to spend my days confused and locked up in a senior center. I think her remarks aren't meant to be mean sometimes but are meant to be funny! I can tell that through our project she’s been happy being able to use her hands to create things again. Its great seeing her smile and make funny comments! She loves taking control and making little figurines with clay. 
The project we’ve been working on with the seniors has been a little challenging though because they have to use their hands and memory a lot. A lot of them don’t have great hand control anymore and also have a lot of memory loss so it has been a bit difficult at times. Although it’s hard for them to use their hands sometimes I try my best to encourage them to be hands on so their mold of their hand will end up being more their own. I don’t want to take the control of the project from them, I feel like their expression is the most important part. We just wrapped up the last class I could be a part of and Kay will finish the rest on her own. I feel sad that I won’t be able to see Pat anymore and I really hope she gets the chance to continue making things. I could tell that working with clay brought out a joy in her. For the last class I got to work with another women who had never done art before but seemed to be enjoying herself. I think it’s great that this class seems to be therapeutic for the seniors in a way, I really hope they all enjoyed themselves.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds so wonderful to bring art back to someone who may not have been creating anything for a while! I'm sure she really appreciated it, I would if it were me.
