Monday, August 14, 2017

Careers and Commissions

As the summer is coming to an end so is my internship with Michele. Looking back on my entire summer I have realized how much I have learned from her, and from myself in the process. She has taught me skills and techniques that will help me tremendously as I move forward in my career, and in life.
The other week Michele took me to see an exhibition at Urban Art Gallery here in Philadelphia. We talked about the current work displayed there, the solo exhibition she previously had at the gallery, and about the art world in general. We had lunch together and she gave me a lot of advice about what she has done in her career, and important information I need to know as a young artist. I was even given homework which was to write ten things I want in the next ten years, and how much time it takes to achieve each. This was very difficult for me because I am not used to deciding what I want in terms of the future, and it was stressful especially with graduation on the way. But it was also a really great exercise for me to document what I want in life, because it pushed me to list a set of goals and create a plan of how to achieve them. I explained to her that the future scares me in that I am not exactly sure what I want to do career wise with painting. She recommended certain classes I could take to work on technical skills in fine arts which I definitely need, and said that I could always come to her when I have opportunities in the art field. I am extremely grateful to her for this because she is incredibly knowledgeable about which opportunities are worth pursuing, and which ones are not.
I have continued to wrap the string for Michele’s installation piece as she finishes working on her paintings for her group exhibition. Having the opportunity to see a professional artist creating such large amount of work is amazing to me. During this studio time we have also discussed topics such as her commission work, art advisors, and others who purchase her work. I asked her how she determines prices for her pieces, especially commissions. She sent me the contracts she uses which includes her artwork commission agreement and exhibition agreement. She explained to me that she prices her work by the square foot above 12”x12” in size. We even created a price point for my work 70 cents/sq. ft. which I will be using for my first commission piece I was recently asked to do!
This coming week will sadly be my last, and I will be helping Michele hang her show. I’ll let you know how it goes and more!


  1. Hey Alyssa, I think its a great idea to make a list of things you want to accomplish in 10 years. I think that it gives us things to look forward too. I believe that I'll make one too. As an artist learning how to price my artwork or services has been very difficult. I've had help doing it several times but I haven't mastered it yet. Most people who know me want cheap prices, but thats not how to stay afloat as an artist. I've been turned down for birthday parties because the person didn't like the price. I'm excited that we have these opportunities to meet and learn with professionals who understand what we'll be going through.

  2. Hi Chloe, I definitely agree! I don't think I would ever have learned this type of information if it wasn't for the opportunities this internship has given me. I definitely recommend making a list of a basic 10 year plan just to have a guideline moving forward. For me it is a little scary but also comforting to know I have the list to look back at. I am sorry to hear you were turned down due to prices, but there will definitely be more opportunities in the future. I hope your internship and your summer was great, and that you have an awesome year too!

  3. Hi Alyssa! Congratulations on your recent commission! It sounds like you're learning a lot of great useful advice in your internship. I totally feel the same way about being scared for the future but I think it's important to know what you want which is difficult for me to say because sometime I don't know what I want and I'm super indecisive! I think the list was a really great idea and i'm thinking maybe I should make one as well and maybe it will help me figure out what I want.
